Test Video analysis
Test Video analysis
When sending me videos please consider these factors for best results and most accurate analysis:
I only need 10-15sec (4-5 stroke cycles of each view) Please do not send me large files. The less download time the more time I have to put into your analysis.
Swim the stroke at your realistic mid race speed
Try to get film in the middle to end of you swim workout when you are not necessarily fresh. Suggestion: swim a 200 and have the “filmer” film you during the second 100.
Suggested Film angels
Side view (with breathing towards the camera)
Full body in Frame
Font(Head on traveling toward the camera)
Arial (optional)
Diagonal following the feet
Underwater (Optional if you have the ability)
Side view (with breathing towards the camera)
Full body in Frame
Diagonal Front lead - Head and arm focus
Diagonal Trail - legs and hips focus