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spring break

Spring Break Day 1 2017


Spring Break Day 1 2017

Woke up to Titus coming in our room dressed and ready to go.  He said in his sweet voice, “I’m ready for our bike trip”. Tim proceeded to tell him about his “special” milk (individual milk box) that was in the fridge, trying to distract him in hopes for a few more minutes in bed.  About an hour later we peeled ourselves out of bed with our morning ritual of saying “seriously boys! It is 7AM and people live below us!”  Then granola, french press, about 5 trips up and down the elevator later, and we were packed and ready to go in record time!


Who doesn't need a push uphill?

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Who doesn't need a push uphill?

So, I was riding my bike uphill yelling “Tim...Tim… it hurts...I can’t... I’m not going to make it…” then suddenly I felt a push right before my legs gave out; which would have sent me, and my helpless 2 year old in the trailer behind me, rolling backwards all the way back down the hill. This was my memory of last years spring break. How did I get to this helpless point?

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