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Since when where shirts required for Triathlons?


Since when where shirts required for Triathlons?

To be honest I think this is a very silly rule, what benefit does wearing a shirt while on your bike provide? Part of my naivety comes from racing in the USA during the late 90’s and early 2000’s then taking a decade break from the sport.  As a competitive swimmer, I admit that I am desensitized to being half naked.  Well let me back up, besides an abstract idea of decency, there is no NEED to wear a shirt on the bike (I challenge someone to explain to me a legitimate reason for amateurs to wear a shirt during the bike) but rules are rules.So there I was in my first triathlon in Korea...


Tonyeong KTF Series Finale, Phone Calls and Epic Finish


Tonyeong KTF Series Finale, Phone Calls and Epic Finish

This was the season ender and a relatively high-pressure race for me, my nerves were quite calm and I was even joking and laughing before the start....

.....The motorbike official rides up alongside me, about 15km into the ride, and hands me his cell phone as I am climbing one of the major climbs of the course!...

...Steve Prefontaine has a great quote “somebody may beat me, but you are going to have to bleed to do it”....I was now a poor gazelle being hunted by a lion ...

...The sport of Triathlon(# lifelesson) is not about being entitled to a perfect race.  

