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Moving On


Moving On

From late February until late May our boys were doing Virtual School from home due to the rise in Corona Virus cases in Korea. It was NOT an easy time for any of us. Tim and I were still working from home, we had all four kids at home, three boys in different grades doing different things (not to mention two of them struggle with reading and needed help on everything), plus a not quite walking toddler who was/is in to everything! It was a time of patience, family “bonding”, and learning new things. We also had a few opportunities to go glamping, workout as a family, and Tim and I even got to go on a date or two. Thankfully we were able to go back on campus to close out the last few days of the 2019-2020 school year. We are extremely thankful for the return to campus because we have some big changes in our lives and we all needed to have closure of this chapter.  

After 11 years at our current school/job, Tim has accepted a new job…


No Excuse


No Excuse

Please forgive us as we have been rather absent on our website.

As I (Kristin) began typing I wanted to tell you that we have been so busy. I was going to give you a brief description of working towards my teaching license, and my time student teaching in P.E., about how hard it has been for Tim to balance work, training, coaching swimming, and coaching Cindy, along with of course family time. However, as I sit and write, my boys are disobeying and not staying in their beds. Every time I go in, there is an excuse: "but I just...", "but he....", "I'm too distracted", "I'm not tired", "he hurt me", and so on. (yes, many excuses because I have been trying to get them to bed for over 45 minutes).  So, yeah, I am over excuses and there is no reason to bore you with ours. It is just life. 

All you need to know is we are working on updates and we don't want to let things "slip" again! We will post things that have happened in the past few months, along with things that are currently going on. So please, be patient with us. We are jumping back in to posting here, hoping it will help hold us accountable to staying active as a family (which also just keeps you informed!). 


Our Summer of Ahnae


Our Summer of Ahnae

I feel as if I have lost something. As if I misplaced something I love and value and just can not seem to find it. My heart is aching and I find myself tearful as I fold laundry or pick up toys from around the house. There is nothing that can be done to help me find what I so dearly miss, but I would never change the fact that I received it in the first place. My mind is at peace though my heart aches. I am not as angry as I should be; I am not resentful to the one who took it from me. Instead, I am choosing to be thankful to the One who gave me the chance to have something of so much value for even just a short time.


Spring Break Day 5 2017


Spring Break Day 5 2017

After running, Tim found a motel room for us to shower and clean-up before heading back to Seoul.  The conversation and ensuing negotiations for a 2hr motel room, where more than comical.  Tim's broken Korean to the hotel manager: "room, short time please?" The manager proceeded to bring out a tissue box with an escort advertisement on it implying a call the number on the box.  "Anyo! Anyo!(NO!NO!)" Tim proclaimed. He then he said in his embarrassingly limited Korean, "wife. baby. shower"...


Spring Break Day 4 2017

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Spring Break Day 4 2017

91 Km and over 1,000meters in climbing later, we finally reached our final destination for our Spring break tour of Southeastern Korean, Ilsan Beach. Getting there was a little tough, but fun and rewarding. We started the fourth day by calling an audible and changing our final destination from Busan to Ilsan Beach. Reasons we chose Ulsan: 1) it had a beach, 2)it was a closer drive, 3) it was more remote/less traveled than Busan, 4)random intriguing park photos of rock cliffs, that we found on Trip Advisor, 5) not an overwhelming amount of things to do, so good for a 1 day visit (we will save Busan for when we have more time).

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